10 Great WordPress Plugins for Business Owners

WordPress as a hosted solution can provide a very robust CMS for businesses of all sizes. Having the right plug-ins can help business owners track traffic, monitor conversions and insure they are getting the most from their WordPress installation. Below are 10 great WordPress plugins for business owners and how they can benefit their users.
1. Wordpress SEO by Yoast
The Wordpress SEO by Yoast plugin is quickly becoming the top WordPress plugins for SEO. Not only can you set up meta data and page titles in a flash, the plugin actually suggests them for you and lets you know if you've gone over the acceptable limit of characters. Even cooler, you can access and alter the .htaccess file directly from the plugin, making redirects a snap. Wordpress is already search engine friendly, and adding this free plug-in can ensure your site has basic SEO structure like proper meta title and description.
2. Google Analytics
Monitoring your site's traffic is critical to online success which is why installing the Google Analytics plugin should be a must for all business owners. Google's free Analytics software is extremely robust (and free!) , don't miss this opportunity to easily integrate it into your Wordpress based site.
3. EZPZ One Click Backup
Any dedicated business owner should seriously consider using EZPZ One Click Backup because it backs up every bit of information stored on your WordPress blog. In the event that your blog crashes, you can get all of the information back. However, this plugin does not work on Windows-based servers.
4. All in One Video Pack
The All in One Video Pack allows users to put video on their WordPress blog. Business owners can upload, record, and edit videos directly from their WordPress account. Users can also track the statistics for their videos if they want to.
5. Facebook Likes You
With the Facebook Likes You plugin, business owners now have the opportunity to add the Facebook “Like” button to the end of each blog post, generating more readership and publicity for the company on Facebook. Even cooler, Google Analytics can now track these clicks with the recent addition of their social metrics.
6. SMSGlobal
If you want to alert your customers to new updates about your business, use SMSGlobal. It allows you to send SMS text messages to your site users. You can choose to send the text message to everyone affiliated with your site, or just specific groups of people. Anyone who wants to get involved in mobile marketing will benefit from this plugin. Send alerts, notifications, and more from the site, all with the push of a button.
7. Fast Secure Contact Form
I love Gravity Forms but if you're looking for a free and easy way for your customers and clients to be able to contact you directly through your site, I'd suggest Fast Secure Contact Form. This free add-on allows various levels of customization and multiple different forms from a single install.
8. Under Construction
Are there parts of your website you have not finished? Use Under Construction to tell people the page is not ready yet.
9. Cf Shopping Cart
Cf Shopping Cart allows you to sell products directly from your WordPress account. You can import items, manage them, allow users to pay via PayPal, and more.
10. WordPress Mobile Pack
The WordPress Mobile Pack allows users to view your web page on a mobile phone and still keep the content looking nice.
Do you have any plug-ins you rely on?