How Content Outreach Increases Reach & Engages New Audiences

So you created an amazing piece of content for your website’s blog. Spent hours researching. Found the best keywords. Interviewed people. Built graphs.
You hit publish.
You waited…
But nothing happened. No change to your site visits. No movement in search rankings. Nothing!
We already know that in the the world of digital, there is so much noise. How does a company cut through the commotion with its stellar content, stand out organically, and move up in search rankings?
Content outreach, when used in a larger digital marketing strategy, can be such an aid.
When your site’s content is linked organically elsewhere, you are gaining a whole new audience’s attention. Content outreach can lead to new site visits, social network shares, and overall brand awareness.
First off, there are a few names for this strategy: content outreach, digital public relations, targeted link building. To first understand what “content outreach” means is to understand there is not a defined way to go about it. Outreach methods will vary. The types of media channels pitched will vary. The definition of wins will vary. The one thing that remains true is that it is needed to draw attention to your page.
Below are some of the methods that we use in determining our digital outreach strategy.
Define Goals
Outreach is not the only solution. It is a method. The ultimate goal for your business should not solely be to gain links or just any generic coverage, but obtaining links and coverage that support your overall business and marketing goals from credible sources that relate to your business. This method should align with other aspects of your digital marketing strategy, which may also include paid amplification and even traditional marketing tactics.
The MOST important piece to determine before starting an outreach strategy is clearly defining the objective and overall goals.
Research Target Audience & Create Media List
These go hand-in-hand because first you need to be sure you understand who out there cares to read your content. Remember: the online reader is searching for content that is entertaining, emotional, and/or educational. Understand this demographic first, then you can locate the types of publications that fulfill this reach.
Next, build out a robust outreach spreadsheet (or link acquisition spreadsheet) that should include the following:
• blogs and social influencers
• industry and trade sites
• competitive links
• resource lists
• businesses (as they relate to your content message)
Line items on your spreadsheet may include:
• website URL
• domain authority
• contact name and email
• outreach conducted date/ follow up date
• other notes
• results
These items will help you easily identify what you sent to a specific site and contact on a specific date and the communication or results obtained.
Customize Messaging
This goes back to knowing your audience and locating the unique, targeted websites, and blogs. Do not create a custom outreach template for everyone. Learn about the writers and editors before you send them your idea or research. Make them feel as if you are sending this exclusively for them (and sometimes you should offer that!). Include a link to something else they have written that relates to what you are sending. Include a new trend, historical data, or other hook that relates to them and their beat, as well as your content.Below is a simple example of an outreach email.
Launch Outreach
Using your targeted research and customized messaging, let the outreach begin! There may be times when your one-to-one outreach receives little to no response. Don't fret. Follow up and try again. Try to understand why and what might have not resonated? We want to learn from our mistakes, but keep in mind this will take time. Don’t give up, but instead maybe try a new approach in your outreach. And then when you do achieve links that fulfill your goal, always be sure to follow up and thank the folks who helped you achieve this.
Outreach can strengthen landing pages, boost site traffic, and drive new audiences and general awareness to your page. Are you wondering if content outreach should fit into your SEO and overall digital marketing strategy? Contact Workshop Digital today if you would like to know more about our effective SEO strategies.