How Does SEO Work?
Editor's Note: This is week 2 of Stephanie Chueh's internship blog. She posts weekly about her experiences learning search engine marketing.
How does search engine optimization work? The past few days, I’ve been learning a few of the fundamental principles of SEO, and I am really excited to start putting what I’ve learned into practice.
In the next few weeks, Andrew and I are planning to get me a domain name, so I can get some hands-on experience with SEO. I’m looking forward to doing some basic programming with HTML, finding good ways to get links, making sites very accessible to visitors, discovering the best ways to generate traffic to a site, and making a site rank first when it is searched. I want to learn all I can about this increasingly important field, and I am especially interested in finding out how SEO fits into a company’s overall marketing strategy.
Once I have completed training, I anticipate helping Andrew make your company even more visible.